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In honour of remembrance day I thought I would make a small post about Lloyd's grandfather and mine. Two men, separated by an ocean, who both fought for the same cause.

My grandfather (pictured below) was a navy gunmen. He shot down enemy aircraft. From what I remember, he "didn't want to die because some FOOL missed the shot." That's all I know. No one likes to talk about war, how horrible it was, or the fact that my own father didn't know his dad until he was a few years old because the war went on longer than anyone had anticipated. I can't imagine how my grandmother did it. Three young children, with next to no money, and always the uncertainty of weather or not her husband would return. I CANNOT imagine. Here is a photo of my grandpa Reed.

Copyright(C) 2010 Night and Day Photography

Lloyd's grandfather (pictured below) was one of the leaders of the student movement that ended the Japanese occupation of Korea. He was captured, tortured and killed for his part in the revolution. I cannot imagine someone so bold and courageous at such a young age. Lloyd's father didn't know his Dad. He died when he was just a little boy. This set into motion a series of life long hardships and consequences for Lloyd's grandmother and father that I admittedly know very little about. No one likes to talk about how horrible it was. Here's a photo of Lloyd's grandfather, his medals of honour, and awards from the President of Korea.

Copyright(C) 2010 Night and Day Photography

For my part, I have never fought in a war, or sent my husband to war, or been surrounded by war. I've never been shot at or had to shoot at someone with anything more than a water gun. For me, war is something I have only read about, for which I am grateful. I know there are many out there for whom war is a daily reality. I am thankful there are courageous people out there standing for good, decency and what is right, so that I can never know what it is like to experience war. Thanks to all the defenders of our freedom everywhere!

We remember those who have fallen. Thank you.

Posted by: Merry